Actress Manushi Chhillar is set to make her Bollywood debut with ‘Prithviraj’ alongside superstar Akshay Kumar. The actress previously made headlines when MP Shashi Tharoor used her name “Chhillar” to mock the BJP government. The Haryana-born actress has made India proud by winning the Miss World crown 17 years after Priyanka Chopra won it for India.
In 2017, MP Shashi Tharoor mocked the BJP government’s demonetization push by using a pun on Manushi’s middle name ‘Chhillar’. The senior politician wrote, “What a mistake to demonetize our currency! BJP should have realized that Indian cash dominates the globe: look, even our Chhillar has become Miss World!
What a mistake to demonetise our currency! BJP should have realised that Indian cash dominates the globe: look, even our Chhillar has become Miss World!
— Shashi Tharoor (@ShashiTharoor) November 19, 2017
The top congress leader received a barrage of criticism for the tweet saying it was unnecessary, pathetic, and cheap. Internet users were quite disappointed with the tweet. However, a few hours later, he apologized for his tweet about (Manushi Chhillar) and asked people to relax.
Guess the pun IS the lowest form of humour, & the bilingual pun lower still! Apologies to the many who seem to have been righteously offended by a light-hearted tweet today. Certainly no offence was meant to a bright young girl whose answer i've separately praised. Please: Chill!
— Shashi Tharoor (@ShashiTharoor) November 19, 2017
Soon after Manushi responded to Shashi Tharoor’s pun with more pun. She wrote, “A girl who has just won the World isn’t going to be upset over a tongue-in-cheek remark. ‘Chillar’ talk is just small change – let’s not forget the ‘chill’ within Chhillar.”
Exactly @vineetjaintimes agree with you on this. A girl who has just won the World isn’t going to be upset over a tongue-in-cheek remark. ‘Chillar’ talk is just small change – let’s not forget the ‘chill’ within Chhillar 🙂 @ShashiTharoor
— Manushi Chhillar (@ManushiChhillar) November 20, 2017
Manushi’s tweet came in response to Times Group MD Vineet Jain who said that people need to be more tolerant towards light-hearted humor.