Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas attended the MET Gala event twinning in black, a few hours ago. As usual, the couple made sure to make every heads turn with their stunning look at the red carpet.
Post that, they also attended the After Party, for which she opted for a unique ensemble as a couple. Priyanka and Nick once again stole our hearts with their red and black look, respectively. A video has shared on TikTok that has been making rounds on the social media, which seems to have channelled the inner Junglee Billi of PeeCee.
The actress starred in Don and Don 2 opposite Shah Rukh Khan, and it was these movies which gained her nickname Junglee Billi among her fans.
The video shows Nick and Priyanka performing a dubmash kind of lip syncing to the latest trends. The video is about Doja Cat who turned to the MET Gala event dressed as a cat. She was asked a couple of questions about her outfit by a journalist, to which she replied saying, “meow.”