Actress Priyanka Chopra and her spouse, singer Nick Jonas twinned in black outfits at the Met Gala 2023. Several videos and photos of the couple from the event on Tuesday have surfaced online. Priyanka and Nick waved and smiled at the shutterbugs as they entered the venue. The actress likewise posed briefly and blew kisses to her fans.
Priyanka donned a black Valentino dress and an 11.6-carat diamond necklace for the event. Nick was dressed in a white shirt, black pants, a tie and a jacket. The couple grinned looking at each other as they posed on the red carpet.
Many fans responded to the video. One wrote, “Awww they look amazing.” Another commented, “I’m screaming and shaking omgggg she looks classy and elegant.” A user said, “Lovely and power couple.”
The 2023 Met Gala was held in New York City. It celebrates the opening of the Costume Institute exhibition, “Karl Lagerfeld: A Line of Beauty.”
In the meantime, on the professional front, the actress was previously seen in Citadel which spins around 2 elite agents Mason Kane (Richard Madden) and Nadia Sinh (Priyanka) of the global spy agency Citadel. The action-packed show was released on Prime Videos on April 28.