Protestor at Cannes Film Festival spills fake blood at the red carpet wearing dress of Ukrainian flag colours

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Published by News Desk on 23 May 2023

A woman covered herself with fake blood at the red carpet of Cannes Film Festival. The clip of the incident has been going viral on the internet.

While everyone was busy with adoring the red carpet looks of various celebrities, a protestor caught everyone’s attention. The woman was spotted wearing a dress of Ukrainian national flag’s colour. She went on to the stairs of the theatre and then proceeded to cover herself in fake blood.

The video from the event went viral quickly which showed the woman pouring fake blood on herself while the security guard is trying to get her away from the red carpet. The unnamed woman went up the stairs ahead of premiere of Russian film Acide on Sunday at Cannes.

The video shows the woman taking a few step on the stair before stopping and turning around towards the camera. She then pulls out two bag of red liquid from her dress and with her hands, she tears it over her head.

She was immediately escorted out by the security. Reportedly, the woman was protesting against Russia for starting war against Ukraine.

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