Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan’s children, Sara Ali Khan, and Ibrahim Ali Khan are one of the coolest siblings in B-town. They are often seen holidaying together and share their happy moments on their respective social media handles. Speaking of which, the sister-brother duo have jetted off to London where they celebrated Christmas and are ready to ring in the new year too. The Atrangi Re star took to her Instagram handle and shared a couple of happy pictures from the Winter Wonderland festival. Along with the pictures, she wrote, “As Merry as a Cherry. In Wonderland finding our fairy. JK she’s gone to Waitrose.”
Take a look at Sara Ali Khan’s Instagram post
In the pictures, the actress looked cute in a pink jacket and beanie. On the other hand, Ibrahim looked dapper in a brown leather coat. Also, the Atrangi Re star shared a picture of a Christmas tree which glowed and sparkled. Reacting to her post, one of the users wrote, “He looks like Saif Ali Khan more than Saif Ali Khan.” Another wrote, “Cuties.”
Meanwhile, on the work front, the actress will be next seen in Gaslight with Vikrant Massey. Besides this, she has wrapped shooting for Laxman Utekar’s untitled film with Vicky Kaushal and also announced schedule wrap of Ae Watan Mere Watan. On the other hand, Ibrahim will soon be making his Bollywood debut with Kayoze Irani’s war drama. The star kid has already worked as an assistant director for Karan Johar’s Rocky Aur Rani Ki Prem Kahani.