On May 22, actress Vaibhavi Upadhayaya was killed in a car accident in Himachal Pradesh. Reports regarding key developments in the case have surfaced as cops continue to probe her death. According to new claims, the actress suffered a head injury while attempting to get out of her car through the window. As per reports, the actress was also not wearing a seat belt.
Actor JD Majethia confirmed Vaibhavi Upadhayaya’s death. He told the media that she was getting hitched in December and was travelling to Himachal Pradesh. He said her car fell into a valley while turning. Vaibhavi’s fiance was also in the car and survived the accident.
In the midst of this, India Today cited SP Kullu Sakshi Varma saying that the actress tried to get out of her car and succumbed to injuries she had in the process. “She was rushed to Banjar Civil Hospital where the doctors declared her dead.”
She also added, “Upadhyaya died on Monday after her SUV fell into a gorge near Sidhwan in the Banjar area of Kullu. The accident occurred when the driver of the car was negotiating a steep curve.” While the actress died in the accident, her fiance suffered minor injuries to his hands.