Celebrity couple Vicky Kaushal and Katrina Kaif have left their fans and followers gushing once again. Currently, a video of the gorgeous couple is going viral on social media platforms. Reportedly, it is from an intimate get-together. It shows the actor dancing to his hearts content as his gorgeous wife Kat sit among others.Wearing a printed shirt and white pants, the actor can be seen grooving with a female. Also, he went down on his kness and left his gorgeous wife blushing during the performance.
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The video was shared by one of the popular Bollywood paparazzi on Instagram. Reacting to the video, one of the users wrote, “Ahhh! That smile has my heart Katrina, love them together always.” Another wrote, “Vicky danced for 45 minutes in her birthday to make her happy that’s why he is a husband material.” A third fan wrote, “Vicky said he does this just to make his wife Katrina laugh what a sweet husband.”
Recently, the gorgeous couple jetted off to Rajasthan for a vacation. Also, they treated their fans and followers to glimpses of their trip on their respective Instagram handles. Meanwhile, on the work front, Kat has Tiger 3, Merry Christmas and Jee Le Zaraa in her kitty. On the other hand, the actor will be seen in Sam Bahadur and in Laxman Utekar’s untitled next.